Forskning & Artikler

journal cognitive education iacepDer har siden udviklingen af det første dynamiske assessment batteri i 1979, været udført omfattende forskning, og dynamisk assessment er i dag et etableret internationalt paradigme for psykologisk testning. Nedenfor finder du udvalgte artikler - både ældre introducerende/forklarende artikler og nyere beskrivelser af den forskningsmæssige/empiriske status af dynamisk assessment. Bemærk at alle artiklerne er eksterne links som åbnes i et nyt faneblad.

da litteratur

En dreng med diagnoser

Comprehensive dynamic assessment bibliography


Learning Potential

The current Status of the Theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability

Dynamic Assessment

Intelligens definert som evnen til at lære - omtalt i dynamisk perspektiv


The need for a more dynamic and ecological assessment...

The Predictive Validity of Dynamic Assessment - A review

Dynamisk assessment som interventionsværktøj


A Selective Synthesis of the Experimental Literature on Dynamic Assessment

Teach-to-Test Instruction to Dynamic Assessment: A Critical Overview

The current state and development of the learning propensity assessment device

A review scrutinising the validity of DA


The Cognitive Abilities Profile

Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Modifiability


Structural Cognitive Modifiability and Neural Plasticity: Confronting the Possibilities


Reliability, Validity and educational use of the Cognitive Abilities Profile

CAP thesis


Dynamic Assessment In Practice


The dynamic Assessment of Cognitive Modifiability
